воскресенье, 1 мая 2022 г.

02 - 05 - 2022 9 Form English

 1. Look through the list of school subjects.
Name those you study in the 9th form.
School Subjects
Physics                                 Biology
Ukrainian language           History of Ukraine
Ukrainian literature           World History
English                                 Chemistry
World literature                   Law
Algebra                                Art
Geometry                            Physical training/Sport
Geography                          Handicrafts
Computer Studies

  2. Read about the importance of Geography. ( переклад письмово)
Geography helps:
• to understand the basic physical systems that affect everyday life (e.g. earth-sun
relationships, water cycles, wind and ocean currents, etc.);
• to understand the geography of past times and how geography has played role in
the evolution of people, places and environments;
• to appreciate Earth as the homeland of humankind and provide insight into how
the planet’s resources should be used;
• to understand global interdependence;
• to get the most out of travel experiences. 

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