среда, 9 ноября 2022 г.

10-11-2022 10 Form English

Past Simple
Вспомогательный глагол: Did
Окончание: -ed





Did not + V

Did + V

He went / He worked

He did not go / He did not work

Did he go? / Did he work?

Правила употребления (основные значения и примеры предложений):

1.    Факт или действие, случившееся в прошлом: He helped his mother with housework.

2.    Цепочка действий в прошлом, произошедших последовательно одно за другим: I got up, washed my, brushed my hair and had a cup of coffee.

3.    Повторяющиеся события в прошлом: I worked in my garden every sunday this summer.

 Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form  Past Simple

  1. I ________ (to like) apples last year
  2. Ann ________ (to play) computer games  last weekend.
  3. We ________ (to go) to work by train  yesterday
  4. You ________  (not to work) very hard.
  5. My friend and I ________ (to spend) time together  a day before.
  6. They ________ (to visit) their relatives  last week.
  7. I ________ (not to swim) in the see on summer.
  8. Food ________ (to become) cold in the fridge.
  9. My cat ________ (not to enjoy) fish.
  10. Her parents ________ (not to take) her to school yesterday
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