1. Read and translate the sialogue. Надішліть голосове повідомлення читання і перекладу діалогу.
Amy is sleeping over at Liv’s house...
Liv Hmmm... No, no, no don’t!!!!
Amy Liv, wake up!
Liv Huh?... What?... Oh, it was just a dream.
Amy Are you OK? Was it scary?
Liv Yeah, we were all in a museum.
Amy Who was there?
Liv Me, you, Bill and Stu.
Amy Was it like the boring museum on our school trip last week?
Liv No, it was not. It was full of interesting, ancient Egyptian stuff, like mummies.
Amy Mummies?
Нові слова запишіть у словник і вивчіть.
a dream [driːm] - сон
scary [ˈskeə.ri] - страшний
a museum [mjuˈziːəm] - музей
a week [wiːk] - неділя
ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] - стародавній
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