четверг, 23 апреля 2020 г.

April, 24. English. 4 Form

  Topic «Ukraine. Great Britain»
1.Запишите  слова в словаре: стр.137  упр.1
2.Прослушать и повторить за диктором: 

3. Работа с  текстом.   Прочитать и перевести. Записать в тетрадь английский и русский варианты.
                                                  My city
I live in a big and beautiful city. There are two   schools, museums and a theatre   in my city.  There  is  a  big  circus. There are many green parks and many beautiful squares in the city. There is a bank, a library, and a cinema in my street. There is a good café near the bank. There is a bookshop near the library.

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